Katja, una de mis amigas finlandesas, se va el martes de beca a Dinamarca. El jueves 26 de enero hicimos una cena en casa de Liisa para despedirla y darle unos regalillos para que se acuerde de nosotras.
Katja, it was so nice to meet you, and I guess that you will have a good stay in Denmark, and I hope to see you soon in the future, in Finland, again, or in Spain.
Good luck !!
Katja y Rosa
Rosa, Iina y Anu
Anu, Katja, Johanna, Iina, Liisa y Rosa
Katja, Saija y Rosa
Todas echadas encima de Katja.. que ni se le ve!
All together on Katja!!
Cuando acabamos la cena nos fuimos a la discoteca Onnela a seguir la fiesta, alli habiamos quedado con otros compañeros de clase.
When we finished the meeting in Liisa´s place we continued the party in Onnela with some of our classmates from the first year

Rosa en Onnela
Katja, it was so nice to meet you, and I guess that you will have a good stay in Denmark, and I hope to see you soon in the future, in Finland, again, or in Spain.
Good luck !!
Katja y Rosa

All together on Katja!!

When we finished the meeting in Liisa´s place we continued the party in Onnela with some of our classmates from the first year

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